Seth Redmond, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Associate Research Scientist | Yale School of Public Health | Department of Epidemiology of Microbial Diseases
Laboratory of Epidemiology of Public Health (LEPH) | 60 College St. | New Haven, CT 06510
Email: [email protected] | Twitter
B.Sc. in biology – University of Leeds, UK
M.Sc. in bioinformatics – University of Liverpool, UK
PhD in vector genomics – Institut Pasteur / Paris University, France
Postdoc in malaria genomic epidemiology – Broad Institute / Harvard School of Public Health, USA
I’m originally from Liverpool, UK, but have followed a peripatetic path around the globe for some time now. My initial interest in vector-borne disease began when I had the opportunity to work with Fotis Kafatos at Imperial College as a bioinformatician on the VectorBase project, and after some years of writing code for other people I decided I wanted to run my own projects and undertook a PhD at the Pasteur Institute, Paris, where I worked on GWAS studies of mosquito immune factors to plasmodium infection. After my PhD I began to examine the other half of the equation by undertaking a postdoc on Genomic Epidemiology of Malaria where I had a joint appointment at both the Broad Institute (Dan Neafsey) and the Harvard School of Public Health (Dyann Wirth), and was investigating how to use genetic distance to infer transmission chains of malaria. My work since then has covered both vectors and pathogens, revolving around the use of genomics to inform disease control: developing molecular and sequence based techniques to track transmission intensity and identify resistance factors which directly affect disease control. I’m continuing to take these approaches in the Grubaugh lab and the Pathogen Genomics Center of Excellence on both vector-borne and respiratory pathogens.
Outside of work I enjoy trail running, snowboarding, and have a large collection of niche sports equipment I should really stop buying. I also enjoy visiting art galleries, watching moody films, getting to Liverpool FC games whenever I can, and making coffee with a degree of rigour and precision which belies how inept I was in the lab.