Rapid data analysis and sharing using Nextstrain
Nextstrain is an open-source project to harness the scientific and public health potential of pathogen genome data. Here are a few of our ongoing ‘community’ Nextstrain projects. Note that most of these analyses are preliminary, so interpret with caution. We love to collaborate – contact us if you’d like to join one of these exciting projects!

Yale SARS-CoV-2 Genomic Surviellance Initiative
In collaboration with public health agencies and diagnostic labs across Connecticut, we established a routine SARS-CoV-2 genomic surveillance system. Created and maintained by the Grubaugh Lab.
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Global Dengue virus datasets by serotype
Each build (use dropdown box) includes all available data for each serotype (not updated regularly). These include the data from all of our dengue sequencing projects. Maintained by the Grubaugh Lab.
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Twenty years of West Nile Virus in the Americas
Led by our West Nile 4K project, we are using virus genomic data to uncover the patterns of West Nile virus transmission. Created by Anderson Brito, James Hadfield, and Nate Grubaugh.
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Powassan virus evolution & spread in New England
Working with several health departments and universities in the Northeast US, we are investigating the emergence, spread, and evolution of the tick-borne and pathogenic Powassan virus in the region. Created by Chantal Vogels.
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Powassan virus evolution & spread in North America
As an extenstion of our regional analysis, we are investigating the historical evolution of Powassan virus in North America, including lineage 1 and two foci (Wisconsin & New England) of lineage 2 viruses. Created by Chantal Vogels.
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Eastern equine encephalitis virus in the US
In collaboration with the Wadsworth Center (who does the sequencing – EEEV is a select agent) and state labs across New England, we are using genomics to track EEEV reintroductions and outbreaks. Created by Toby Koch.
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Zika virus emergence in Puerto Rico in 2016
With our colaborators Jorge Muñoz-Jordán, Gilberto Santiago, and others at the CDC Dengue Branch, we are investigating the Zika outbreak in Puerto Rico and virus spread within the Caribbean. Created by Chaney Kalinich.
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Dengue 1 outbreak in Brazil, 2018-2019
In collaboration with Gabriel Wallau from the Aggeu Magalhães Institute and FIOCRUZ, we are investigating the recent resurgence and spread of dengue virus in northeast Brazil following the Zika epidemic. Created by Anderson Brito.
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