Afeez Sodeinde, BS
PhD Student | Biological and Biomedical Sciences – Microbiology Track
Department of Microbial Pathogenesis | Yale School of Medicine
Email: [email protected]
Ph.D. Student – Yale School of Medicine
B.S. in Biology – Bemidji State University
Born and raised in Lagos, Nigeria, I migrated to Minneapolis, Minnesota after high school. Shortly after this, I started my post-secondary education in General Studies at North Hennepin Community College. Upon discovering my interest in Biology, I transferred to Bemidji State University. At BSU I annotated the genomes of uncharacterized Drosophila species and studied the effect of temperature on chromatin state and gene expression. After graduating from BSU, I worked as a Postbac at the NIH for two years and took an evolutionary biology approach to understand cell type-specific regulation of Drosophila centrosome proteins. Currently, I am a Ph.D. student in the Microbiology track of Yale’s Biological and Biomedical Science program. In the Grubaugh lab, I am interested in studying the impact of Wolbachia-mediated control on Dengue virus evolution.
During my free time, I enjoy playing soccer, board games, and listening to different kinds of music.